Welcoming July

I have been so uninspiring lately…lifeless and story-less. Even when I pick up the phone and chat with my loved one, I would go on and on talking about work and all the bitter and sweet of it. Work. And why do I think about work so much? It’s a choice actually. I don’t have to if I want to, and now I know that I don’t want to.

I’m pretty much future-oriented, that as crazy and spontaneous I am in living my life, I am also very structured in building and living my career path. I know what I want, and I am determined and focus. Not ambitious, just well-planned. At present, I now feel as if I am stopping on the left lane, reaching for my map thinking whether I still wanna go to the destination I have planned to. And as I look at the map, I am surprised of how many new places there are that I haven’t been aware of. And even when I still want to reach my initial destination, there are so many new ways. There’s just, so much of life in the offing I feel like experiencing all.

Life’s very exciting, and I want to feel the thrill without being euphoric to the extent that I take pleasure in all the joy to myself. I want to share, I want others to feel happy too.

This is so random I know, but this all is what’s currently on my mind. Pretty random, yes? :D

What I wanna do in the next few months before 2010 comes:
  • Stop thinking and talking so much about my work and just enjoy the days.
  • Hold on to my map, experience new places without having to get lost and forget where I should be heading.
  • Learn new things. Learn how to cook, to dance, to sing, to love Sharjeel wholly and to love my parents in their way, not mine.
  • Make a contribution to the society. Help people in need for real and not just through giving away my clothes.
  • Stay happy and young, for I am forever young.
And as I write this, I am recalling my 2009 resolutions. Lets stay on track, people. No matter how much fun we can have, we should always have a purpose of life to make ourselves worth being.

Lots of love,

PS: This coral Topshop sequin blazer is pure evil. Why does it have to be SO GOOD?

Peinados de novia: cabellos largos

Si tienes el cabello largo debes lucirlo el día de tu boda . Tener el cabello largo o semi-largo es sin duda una ventaja que te ofrece una multitud de opciones. El cabello largo te va a permitir optar por peinados que te harán sentir única y espectacular el día de tu boda. Hoy te ofrecemos una selección de peinados de famosos estilistas franceses. Selecciona el que más te gusta y coméntalo con tu peluquero.

Fabio Salsa.


Lucie Saint Clair

Franck Provost

Saint Algue

Michel Dervyn


Jhon Frieda



Laurent Voisinet

Peinados de novia: Cabellos cortos

Arty Girl

Para quien? Este es un peinado para novias originales y audaces : evítalo si tu rostro es redondeado y te conviene si tu cabello es claro, para que puedas jugar con los reflejos.

Con que vestido? Es el peinado ideal para un vestido futurista. También puede ofrecer un contraste muy interesante con un vestido clásico.

Es un vestido de la firma Alexandre Zouari.

Flower Pop

Para quien ? Ideal para cabellos finos. Me encanta su cerquillo muy natural. Puedes combinarlo con una camelia blanca o una amapola.

Con que vestido? Utiliza este peinado con un vestido fresco y veraniego, escotado, que muestre una bella nuca.

Es un peinado de Coifflrst.


Para quien? Para novias con cabellos cortos pero que desean tener un moño el día su boda. Con este peinado te parecerás a Brigitte Bardot.

Con que vestido? Es ideal para un vestido recto y sencillo o con un vestido corto. No dudes en utilizar una cinta en tu peinado para resaltar el color de tu vestido.

Es un peinado de Eric Stipa.


1. My best friend, Iko, just got married to Ulma yesterday! Congrats, newly weds! :)

2. Felt like getting myself a pair of Wondershoe shoes, but turns out their website is...under construction? I wonder what happened...anyway, I contacted the owner (natalia.arini@gmail.com) and she said that their new online shop will be up on July...did I heard...NEW? Oh my...sounds exciting!!

3. During the Go-Blog.com seminar, I really didn't take any pictures so sadly there's nothing I can share with you all...I did take a pic at the end of the day in front of the event poster, but the photo turned out to be very dark hohoho... lucky me, Puspita Sari who attended the seminar and is also a reader of mine (thank youuu!) took a picture of us together and sent it to me last night... thanks, dear! :)

4. Did a short interview with White Velvet...

5. What I wore to work today..oh it's been a loooooooong time since I posted a picture of my working attire heheh...

Gaudi blazer, shirt from Korea, Mango trouser, Accademia shoes, Balenciaga bag

That's all for now...good night, everyone! Gonna call my boyfriend hehehhe ;p

Vestidos de boda para novias embarazadas

Aquí les dejamos cinco catálogos con ideas para vestidos de novias que tienen ya algunos meses de embarazo

Catálogo de Maternity Bride
Catálogo de Maternity Wedding Dress
Catálogo de Apea in the pod
Catálogo de Tk designs
Catálogo de Maternity Clothing

Boda en la playa, lindas sandalias

Algo que una novia debe tomar en cuenta cuando va a realizar una boda en la playa es el calzado que utilizará, y lo ideal es que sea cómodo para caminar en el jardín o en un momento dado hasta en la arena, ya que algunas bodas se hacen en plena orilla del mar.

Las sandalias Havaianas con cristales Swarovski austriacos estan realizadas de forma artesanal y son ideales para llevar en una boda en la playa. Sus modelos incluyen sandalias bajas y altas y están a la venta en Argentina.

Te recomendamos visitar su página web dando clic aquí, en donde podrás apreciar más modelos y conocer sus promociones.

Vestidos de novia de Jesus del Pozo en la pasarela Gaudi 2010

Jesús del Pozo opta por drapeados en X de estilo grecorromano y vestidos de corte asimétrico en la pasarela Gaudi Novias 2010.

Merci Beaucoup

Attended the Go-Blog.com seminar today wearing this...

Zara stripey shirt, Bloop lace top, unbranded belt, Endorse skirt, Topshop necklace, eBay leggings, Sembonia wedges, Aigner bag

The famous Raditya Dika...

Ended the day watching Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen...I like the first Transformer better!!

Btw, I'd like to say thank you to all of you readers who visit my blog from time to time...it's such a great experience to be able to share with you all my thoughts and musings and feelings and everything else here through this blog...I apologize once again for not being able to reply to your comments and emails lately but I promise that I'll try my best to...good night!! :)

Hello, Urbie.

Oh yay! A new shop that carries various local brands, luckily located very close to my house heheheh..congrats, guys!! :)


Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin Kav. AU Blok A no.5
Jakarta Timur